Vocabulary Building
Certainly, here are explanations for the next set of words:
222. **Cabin (n.)**: A small, often simple, room or shelter, typically in a rural or remote location.
223. **Cabinet (n.)**:
– A piece of furniture with shelves, drawers, or compartments used for storage or display.
– A group of government ministers or officials, often responsible for specific areas of policy or administration.
224. **Calculation (n.)**: The process of using mathematics or reasoning to determine a result, estimate, or outcome.
225. **Canal (n.)**: An artificial waterway created for navigation, irrigation, or drainage, typically with man-made channels.
226. **Candle (n.)**: A cylindrical piece of wax with a wick in the center, which is lit to provide light.
227. **Canvas (n.)**:
– A strong, durable fabric often used for painting or making sails, bags, or tents.
– A surface or medium used for artistic or creative work.
228. **Capability (n.)**: The ability, skill, or potential to do something; capacity or competence.
229. **Capitalism (n.)**: An economic and political system characterized by private ownership of the means of production and the pursuit of profit.
230. **Capitalist (adj.)**: Relating to or advocating for capitalism, which emphasizes private ownership and market-driven economics.
231. **Carbon (n.)**:
– A chemical element (C) found in various forms, including coal, diamonds, and graphite.
– Carbon dioxide (CO2), a greenhouse gas produced by burning carbon-based fuels.
232. **Cargo (n.)**: Goods, merchandise, or items that are transported in a ship, aircraft, or vehicle.
233. **Carriage (n.)**:
– A vehicle with four wheels, typically pulled by horses, used for transportation.
– A compartment or part of a train where passengers sit.
234. **Carve (v.)**: To cut or shape a material, such as wood or stone, using tools to create a desired form or design.
235. **Casino (n.)**: A facility or establishment where various games of chance are played for gambling purposes.
236. **Castle (n.)**: A large fortified building or structure, often with towers and walls, historically used for protection or as a residence for nobility.
237. **Casual (adj.)**:
– Relaxed, informal, or not strict in style or manner.
– Happening by chance; occasional or irregular.
238. **Casualty (n.)**:
– A person injured or killed in an accident or disaster.
– A loss or injury suffered in a military operation or conflict.
239. **Catalog (n.)**: A list or record of items, often with descriptions and details, used for reference or ordering.
240. **Cater (v.)**: To provide food, services, or accommodations for an event, group, or individual.
241. **Cattle (n.)**: Domesticated animals raised for meat, milk, or other agricultural purposes, primarily referring to cows and bulls.
242. **Caution (n.)**:
– Careful attention to potential danger or risk; prudence.
– A warning or advisory message.
243. **Cautious (adj.)**: Exercising care or discretion to avoid potential harm or mistakes; careful and wary.
244. **Cave (n.)**: A natural underground chamber or cavity, often formed in rock and typically with an opening to the surface.
245. **Cease (v.)**: To stop or discontinue an action, activity, or process; to come to an end.
246. **Cemetery (n.)**: A place where dead bodies are buried, often with marked graves and memorials.
247. **Certainty (n.)**:
– The state of being certain or confident about something; absence of doubt.
– A fact or principle that is definitely true or established.
248. **Certificate (n.)**: A written or official document that confirms a specific fact, qualification, or achievement.
249. **Challenging (adj.)**:
– Requiring great effort, skill, or determination to overcome; difficult or demanding.
– Provoking or inviting competition or rivalry.
250. **Chamber (n.)**:
– A room, especially one used for a specific purpose within a building.
– An enclosed space or compartment within a larger structure.
251. **Championship (n.)**: A competition or contest to determine the best or most skilled participant or team in a particular sport or activity.
252. **Chaos (n.)**: A state of complete disorder, confusion, or unpredictability; the absence of order or organization.
253. **Characterize (v.)**: To describe or define the distinctive qualities or features of someone or something; to portray or depict.
254. **Charm (n.)**:
– The quality of being attractive, delightful, or captivating.
– An object or amulet believed to bring good luck or ward off evil.
255. **Charming (adj.)**:
– Pleasant, attractive, and likable in a delightful or charismatic way.
– Enchanting or captivating in a pleasing manner.
256. **Charter (n.)**:
– A formal document that grants specific rights, privileges, or authority to an individual, group, or organization.
– A flight or voyage organized for a specific group of travelers.
257. **Chase (v., n.)**:
– (v.) To pursue or follow closely in order to catch or capture.
– (n.) The act of pursuing someone or something, often with the intent of catching or overtaking them.
258. **Cheek (n.)**:
– Either side of a person’s face below the eyes.
– Impertinence or rudeness, often in speech or behavior.
259. **Cheer (v., n.)**:
– (v.) To shout or express joy, support, or encouragement loudly.
– (n.) A shout or expression of joy, support, or encouragement.
260. **Choir (n.)**:
– A group of singers who perform together, often in a church or choral setting.
– The area in a church where the choir performs.
261. **Chop (v.)**: To cut into small pieces, often with a quick, downward motion.
262. **Chronic (adj.)**: Persisting over a long period of time; continuing or recurring frequently.
263. **Chunk (n.)**: A large, solid piece or portion of something, often irregularly shaped.
264. **Circuit (n.)**:
– A complete and closed path for the flow of electricity.
– A regular route or journey, often involving a series of stops or locations.
265. **Circulate (v.)**: To move or spread around in a circular or recurring manner; to be distributed or passed from person to person.
266. **Circulation (n.)**:
– The movement or flow of something, such as air, fluids, or information, in a circular or continuous manner.
– The distribution or dissemination of printed material, such as newspapers or magazines.
267. **Citizenship (n.)**: The status of being a citizen of a particular country,
Here are explanations for the next set of words:
268. **Civic (adj.)**: Relating to a city or a citizen’s responsibilities and involvement in their community.
269. **Civilian (n., adj.)**:
– (n.) A person who is not a member of the military or police; a non-combatant.
– (adj.) Pertaining to individuals who are not part of the military or armed forces.
270. **Civilization (n.)**:
– An advanced stage of human society marked by culture, science, industry, and organized government.
– The process of developing a society with these characteristics.
271. **Clarify (v.)**: To make something clear or easier to understand by explaining or providing additional information.
272. **Clarity (n.)**: The quality of being clear, transparent, or easy to understand; the absence of confusion or ambiguity.
273. **Clash (n.)**:
– A violent or sudden confrontation or conflict between individuals or groups.
– A sharp or harsh sound resulting from collision or disagreement.
274. **Classification (n.)**: The act or process of categorizing or organizing items, people, or information into groups based on shared characteristics.
275. **Classify (v.)**: To arrange or categorize things into groups or classes based on shared characteristics.
276. **Cliff (n.)**: A steep, high rock face or escarpment, often found along coastlines or in mountainous areas.
277. **Cling (v.)**: To adhere or hold onto something tightly, often with a firm grip.
278. **Clinic (n.)**: A medical facility or healthcare center where patients receive outpatient treatment, consultation, or medical care.
279. **Clinical (adj.)**: Pertaining to the examination, diagnosis, and treatment of patients in a medical setting; based on direct observation and practical experience.
280. **Clip (n.)**:
– A small device used to hold things together or attach items.
– A short piece of video or audio material taken from a longer recording.
281. **Closure (n.)**:
– The act of closing or shutting something, often temporarily.
– A sense of finality or resolution, especially in emotional or psychological contexts.
282. **Cluster (n.)**:
– A group of similar things or objects that are close together.
– A collection of stars or galaxies that are gravitationally bound together.
283. **Coalition (n.)**: An alliance or partnership formed by various groups, organizations, or individuals to achieve a common goal or purpose.
284. **Coastal (adj.)**: Relating to or located near the coast, which is the area where land meets the sea.
285. **Cocktail (n.)**:
– A mixed drink typically made by combining various alcoholic beverages and flavorings.
– A combination of different elements, often for a specific purpose or effect.
286. **Cognitive (adj.)**: Relating to mental processes such as thinking, reasoning, memory, and perception.
287. **Coincide (v.)**: To occur at the same time or place; to have a matching or identical occurrence.
288. **Coincidence (n.)**: The occurrence of events or circumstances that happen by chance and seem to have no apparent cause or connection.
289. **Collaborate (v.)**: To work together with others, especially on a creative or shared project, task, or goal.
290. **Collaboration (n.)**: The act of working jointly with others to achieve a common objective or result.
291. **Collective (adj.)**:
– Relating to or involving a group of individuals working together as a whole.
– Shared or common among a group of people.
292. **Collector (n.)**: A person who collects or gathers objects, often as a hobby or for personal interest.
293. **Collision (n.)**: A violent impact or crash between two or more objects, often resulting in damage or destruction.
294. **Colonial (adj.)**: Relating to or characteristic of a colony, which is a territory or settlement governed by a foreign country.
295. **Colony (n.)**:
– A group of people from one country who settle in another territory, often forming a permanent community.
– A group of organisms, such as ants or bees, that live and work together in a structured society.
296. **Colorful (adj.)**:
– Vibrant and full of color; visually appealing and vivid.
– Characterized by a variety of interesting or lively elements.
297. **Columnist (n.)**: A person who writes regular columns or articles for a newspaper, magazine, or other publication.
298. **Combat (n., v.)**:
– (n.) Active fighting or warfare between opposing forces.
– (v.) To engage in battle or physical conflict against an opponent.
299. **Comic (adj., n.)**:
– (adj.) Relating to comedy or humor; funny or amusing.
– (n.) A form of entertainment, often in the form of a book or performance, that uses humor and satire.
300. **Commander (n.)**: A person in authority who has control or leadership over a group, organization, or military unit.
301. **Commence (v.)**: To begin or start something; to initiate a process, activity, or event.
302. **Commentary (n.)**:
– An explanation or analysis provided as a commentary, often on a text, event, or situation.
– A spoken or written discussion or observation on a particular topic or subject.
303. **Commentator (n.)**: A person who provides commentary or analysis on a specific topic or event, often in media or broadcasting.
Here are the meanings of the words you provided:
1. Commerce (n.): The activity of buying and selling goods and services, typically on a large scale, involving trade and business.
2. Commissioner (n.): A person who holds a government position or is appointed to oversee and manage a specific area of government or a particular organization.
3. Commodity (n.): A raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold, such as grains, metals, or other goods.
4. Communist (adj.): Relating to or characteristic of communism, which is a political and economic ideology advocating for a classless society where the means of production are owned collectively.
5. Companion (n.): A person who accompanies or shares experiences with another, often in a friendly or supportive way.
6. Comparable (adj.): Capable of being compared because of similarities or common characteristics.
7. Comparative (adj.): Relating to the act of comparing two or more things to determine their similarities and differences.
8. Compassion (n.): A feeling of deep sympathy and concern for the suffering or misfortune of others, often accompanied by a desire to alleviate their pain.
9. Compel (v.): To force or persuade someone to do something against their will or desire.
10. Compelling (adj.): Evoking strong interest, attention, or admiration; persuasive or captivating.
11. Compensate (v.): To make up for a loss or deficiency by providing an equivalent or suitable substitute.
12. Compensation (n.): Something, such as money or benefits, given to someone in return for their efforts, services, or losses.
13. Competence (n.): The quality of being skilled, capable, or proficient in a particular area or task.
14. Competent (adj.): Having the necessary skills, knowledge, or abilities to perform a task or job effectively.
15. Compile (v.): To gather or collect information, data, or materials from various sources and organize them into a single document or list.
16. Complement (v.): To complete or enhance something by adding to it in a way that makes it whole or more effective.
17. Completion (n.): The state of being finished or concluded; the act of completing something.
18. Complexity (n.): The state of being intricate, complicated, or having many interconnected parts or elements.
19. Compliance (n.): The act of conforming to rules, regulations, or guidelines, often in a legal or regulatory context.
20. Complication (n.): An additional factor or problem that makes a situation more difficult or complex.
21. Comply (v.): To act in accordance with rules, regulations, or instructions; to obey or adhere to a set of standards.
22. Compose (v.): To create or write something, such as music, literature, or a letter.
23. Composer (n.): A person who creates music, typically by writing and arranging musical compositions.
24. Composition (n.): The act or process of creating a written work, a piece of music, or a visual artwork.
25. Compound (n.): A substance formed by the chemical combination of two or more elements in fixed proportions.
26. Comprehensive (adj.): Covering or including a wide range of subjects or topics; thorough and complete.
27. Comprise (v.): To consist of or be made up of; to include or contain as parts or components.
28. Compromise (n., v.): An agreement or settlement reached by making concessions or giving up some demands in order to resolve a dispute or reach a middle ground.
29. Compulsory (adj.): Required by law or mandate; obligatory.
30. Compute (v.): To calculate or determine a result using mathematical or computational methods.
31. Conceal (v.): To hide or keep something secret or out of sight.
32. Concede (v.): To admit or acknowledge that something is true or valid, often reluctantly or after a dispute.
33. Conceive (v.): To form or develop an idea, plan, or concept in one’s mind; to become pregnant or originate.
34. Conception (n.): The act of conceiving an idea or plan; the fertilization of an egg by sperm, leading to pregnancy.
35. Concession (n.): A grant or yield of something, often in response to a demand or request; an acknowledgment of defeat or a point in an argument.
36. Concrete (adj., n.): (adj.) Relating to a specific, tangible, and real thing; (n.) A building material composed of cement, sand, and aggregates, often used in construction.
37. Condemn (v.): To express strong disapproval or judgment against something or someone; to criticize harshly.
38. Confer (v.): To grant or bestow something, such as an honor, title, or right, upon someone through a formal process.
39. Confess (v.): To admit or acknowledge a wrongdoing, mistake, or guilt, often in a formal or sincere manner.
40. Confession (n.): The act of admitting or revealing one’s sins, faults, or wrongdoings, typically in a religious or legal context.
41. Configuration (n.): The arrangement, shape, or structure of parts or components within a system or object.
Here are the meanings of the words you provided:
1. Confine (v.): To restrict or limit someone or something within certain boundaries or limits.
2. Confirmation (n.): The act of verifying or affirming the truth, accuracy, or validity of something; a statement or piece of evidence that confirms or supports a fact or belief.
3. Confront (v.): To face or meet a challenging or difficult situation or person directly, often to deal with a problem or conflict.
4. Confrontation (n.): A situation in which people or parties face each other in a direct and often hostile or challenging manner, typically to address a dispute or conflict.
5. Confusion (n.): A state of being bewildered, perplexed, or unclear about something; a lack of understanding or order.
6. Congratulate (v.): To express pleasure, happiness, or approval to someone for their achievements or good fortune.
7. Congregation (n.): A group of people assembled for religious worship or a gathering of individuals with a common purpose or interest.
8. Congressional (adj.): Relating to a congress, which is a formal legislative body, such as the U.S. Congress.
9. Conquer (v.): To overcome, defeat, or gain control over something, often through force or determination.
10. Conscience (n.): The inner sense of what is right and wrong in one’s conduct, often serving as a guide for moral decision-making.
11. Consciousness (n.): The state of being aware of and able to think and perceive; the awareness of one’s thoughts, feelings, and surroundings.
12. Consecutive (adj.): Following in uninterrupted order, one after another, without interruption or break.
13. Consensus (n.): A general agreement or shared opinion among a group of people, often reached through discussion or negotiation.
14. Consent (n., v.): (n.) Permission or agreement to do something; (v.) To give approval or permission for a specific action or decision.
15. Consequently (adv.): As a result or consequence of something; therefore.
16. Conservation (n.): The act of preserving, protecting, or maintaining something, especially natural resources, wildlife, or the environment.
17. Conserve (v.): To protect and preserve something from loss, damage, or depletion.
18. Considerable (adj.): Large in size, amount, extent, or importance; noteworthy or significant.
19. Considerably (adv.): To a great extent or degree; significantly.
20. Consistency (n.): The quality of being consistent, reliable, or having a uniform nature or behavior.
21. Consistently (adv.): In a consistent manner; regularly or uniformly.
22. Consolidate (v.): To combine or merge multiple things into one, often to make them more efficient or effective.
23. Conspiracy (n.): A secret plan or scheme by a group of people to do something unlawful or harmful, often involving deceit or illegal activities.
24. Constitute (v.): To make up or form a particular whole or element; to establish or create something.
25. Constitution (n.): (1) The fundamental laws and principles that govern a nation or organization; (2) The physical makeup or condition of something.
26. Constitutional (adj.): Relating to a constitution, especially the fundamental laws of a nation or organization.
27. Constraint (n.): A limitation or restriction that prevents one from doing something freely.
28. Consult (v.): To seek advice, information, or opinions from someone, often in a professional or formal context.
29. Consultant (n.): A person who provides expert advice or services in a specific field or area of expertise.
30. Consultation (n.): A meeting or discussion held to seek advice, gather information, or make decisions, often involving experts or stakeholders.
31. Consumption (n.): The act of using up or consuming resources, goods, or energy; the process of using or ingesting something.
32. Contemplate (v.): To think deeply or carefully about something, often with the intention of making a decision or gaining insight.
33. Contempt (n.): A feeling of disdain, disrespect, or strong disapproval toward someone or something considered unworthy or inferior.
34. Contend (v.): To argue, compete, or struggle, often against obstacles or opponents.
35. Contender (n.): A person or thing that competes or vies for a position, title, or victory in a competition or contest.
36. Content (adj.): Satisfied with one’s situation or possessions; not desiring more than what one has.
37. Contention (n.): A heated disagreement or dispute; a point of contention or disagreement.
38. Continually (adv.): In a continuous or uninterrupted manner; without stopping or ceasing.
39. Contractor (n.): A person or company that enters into a contract with another party to provide goods or services in exchange for payment.
40. Contradiction (n.): A statement, action, or situation that is inconsistent with or in opposition to another statement, action, or situation.
41. Contrary (adj., n.): (adj.) Opposite in nature, direction, or meaning; contradictory; (n.) The opposite or opposing force or position.
42. Contributor (n.): A person or entity that provides something, such as money, ideas, or content, to a project, cause, or publication.
43. Controversial (adj.): Causing disagreement, debate, or contention; often relating to issues that are divisive or polarizing.
44. Controversy (n.): A prolonged and often heated disagreement or dispute, typically about a controversial or contentious issue.
45. Convenience (n.): The quality of being convenient, suitable, or easy to use; something that makes life easier or more comfortable.
46. Convention (n.): (1) A formal meeting or assembly, often of a specific group or organization; (2) A customary or widely accepted practice or behavior.
47. Conventional (adj.): Following established customs, practices, or norms; traditional or commonplace.
48. Conversion (n.): The act or process of changing from one form, belief, or condition to another.
49. Convey (v.): To transport, communicate, or transmit something from one place or person to another.
50. Convict (v.): To find someone guilty of a crime in a court of law; to pronounce a legal judgment of guilt.
51. Conviction (n.): A strong belief, opinion, or determination; the state of being found guilty of a crime in a court of law.
52. Convincing (adj.): Persuading or compelling someone to believe or agree with something through effective argument or evidence.
53. Cooperate (v.): To work together with others to achieve a common goal or objective; to collaborate.
54. Cooperative (adj.): Willing to work together with others in a collaborative and mutually supportive manner.
Here are the meanings of the words you provided:
1. Coordinate (v.): To organize or arrange various elements or activities to work together in a harmonious and efficient manner.
2. Coordination (n.): The act or process of organizing and ensuring that various elements or activities work together effectively.
3. Coordinator (n.): A person or entity responsible for organizing and overseeing the activities of a group or project to ensure efficient collaboration.
4. Cop (n.): Informal term for a police officer.
5. Cope (v.): To deal with or manage a difficult or challenging situation effectively.
6. Copper (n.): (1) A type of metal, typically reddish-brown in color; (2) Informal term for a police officer.
7. Copyright (n.): Legal protection granted to the creator of an original work, giving them exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, and use the work for a specified period.
8. Corporation (n.): A large company or legal entity formed to conduct business, often characterized by shareholders, limited liability, and a distinct legal status.
9. Correction (n.): The act or process of rectifying or making something right; a change made to correct an error or mistake.
10. Correlate (v.): To have a mutual relationship or connection with something else; to be related or linked.
11. Correlation (n.): A statistical measure indicating how closely two or more variables or sets of data are related to each other.
12. Correspond (v.): To communicate or exchange information, letters, messages, or emails with someone; to be in harmony or agreement.
13. Correspondence (n.): The act of communicating through written or electronic means, such as letters or emails; letters or messages exchanged between individuals.
14. Correspondent (n.): A person who reports news, events, or information to a newspaper, television network, or other media outlet.
15. Corresponding (adj.): Having a similar or equivalent relationship or connection; matching or corresponding to something else.
16. Corridor (n.): A long, narrow, typically enclosed passageway, hallway, or area connecting different parts of a building.
17. Corrupt (adj.): Having a willingness to engage in dishonest, illegal, or unethical behavior; morally degraded.
18. Corruption (n.): The act or process of engaging in dishonest, illegal, or unethical behavior, often for personal gain.
19. Costly (adj.): Expensive; requiring a significant amount of money or resources.
20. Councilor (n.): A member of a council or governing body, typically in a local government.
21. Counseling (n.): The process of providing guidance, advice, and support to individuals or groups facing personal, emotional, or psychological challenges.
22. Counselor (n.): A professional who provides counseling or guidance to individuals dealing with personal or psychological issues.
23. Counter (n.): (1) A long, flat surface, often used for transactions or displaying goods; (2) In a sports context, a device used to keep track of points or scores.
24. Counter (v.): To argue against or oppose something, often as a response or reaction.
25. Counterpart (n.): A person or thing that corresponds to or has a similar function as another in a different context.
26. Countless (adj.): Too numerous to count; very many.
27. Coup (n.): A sudden and often violent overthrow of a government or a change in leadership, typically carried out by a small group or faction.
28. Courtesy (n.): Politeness, respect, or considerate behavior shown to others; a gesture of kindness or goodwill.
29. Coverage (n.): (1) The extent to which a topic or event is reported or discussed in the media; (2) Protection provided by an insurance policy.
30. Cowboy (n.): A person, typically in the American West, who works as a cattle herder, often on horseback.
31. Crack (v.): (1) To break or cause to break partially without separating into pieces; (2) To solve or decipher a code or puzzle; (n.) (3) A narrow opening or fissure; (4) A sudden, sharp sound or noise.
32. Craft (n.): (1) A skill or trade that requires manual dexterity and specialized knowledge; (2) An activity or profession involving creativity and skill in making things by hand.
33. Craft (v.): To create or make something skillfully by hand.
34. Crawl (v.): To move slowly and on hands and knees or with the body close to the ground.
35. Creativity (n.): The ability to generate innovative ideas, produce original works of art, or solve problems in novel and imaginative ways.
36. Creator (n.): A person or entity responsible for bringing something into existence; an originator.
37. Credibility (n.): The quality of being believable, trustworthy, and deserving of trust and confidence.
38. Credible (adj.): Able to be believed or trusted due to being reliable and having a good reputation.
39. Creep (v.): To move slowly and stealthily, often in a manner that is unsettling or eerie.
40. Critically (adv.): In a manner that involves careful analysis, evaluation, or judgment; in a way that is essential or vital.
41. Critique (n.): A detailed evaluation or analysis of a work of art, literature, or performance, often offering constructive feedback or criticism.
42. Crown (n.): (1) A ceremonial headpiece often worn by a monarch or a symbol of royalty; (2) The top or highest part of something.
43. Crude (adj.): (1) In a natural or unrefined state; (2) Lacking refinement or sophistication; (3) Offensive or vulgar in a blunt or raw manner.
44. Cruise (n.): (1) A voyage or journey on a ship, typically for pleasure and relaxation; (2) The act of driving a vehicle at a steady and controlled speed.
45. Cruise (v.): To travel or sail on a ship or boat for leisure or to drive a vehicle at a controlled speed.
46. Crush (v.): To press or squeeze something with force, often causing it to become flattened or deformed.
47. Crystal (n.): (1) A transparent, often highly prized mineral or gemstone; (2) A solid substance with a regularly repeating atomic structure.
48. Cue (n.): (1) A signal or prompt to do something; (2) In entertainment, a word, action, or signal that indicates when a performer should begin or continue.
49. Cult (n., adj.): (1) A group of people with strong, often religious or ideological beliefs, characterized by their devotion to a particular leader, idea, or practice; (2) Related to cults or cult-like behavior.
50. Cultivate (v.): To prepare and nurture the growth of plants, crops, or relationships; to foster and develop something over time.
51. Curiosity (n.): A strong desire to know or learn something; inquisitiveness.
52. Curious (adj.): Eager to learn or know about something; inquisitive.
53. Curriculum (
n.): The subjects, courses, and content taught in an educational program or institution.
54. Custody (n.): (1) The legal right or responsibility to care for and protect someone, especially a child; (2) The state of being held in detention or confinement by authorities.
55. Cute (adj.): Attractive or charming in a delightful, endearing way.
56. Cutting (n.): (1) The action or process of cutting something; (2) A piece of material that has been cut from a larger piece.
57. Cynical (adj.): Believing that people are motivated primarily by self-interest and distrustful of others’ sincerity or integrity; skeptical or pessimistic.