Vocabulary Building

Vocabulary Building-1

Vocabulary Building-2

Vocabulary Building-3

Vocabulary Building-4

Vocabulary Building-5

Vocabulary Building – 5000 unique words with meanings

Sure, here are explanations for each of the words:

  1. Abolish (v.): To officially end or eliminate something, such as a law, system, or institution.
  2. Abortion (n.): The termination of a pregnancy before the fetus can survive outside the womb.
  3. Absence (n.): The state of being away or not present, the opposite of being present.
  4. Absent (adj.): Not present or not attending a particular place or event.
  5. Absorb (v.): To take in or soak up something, such as liquid or information.
  6. Abstract (adj.): Existing as a concept or idea rather than a concrete, tangible thing.
  7. Absurd (adj.): Extremely unreasonable, illogical, or foolish.
  8. Abuse (n., v.): The harmful or wrongful use of something or the mistreatment of a person.
  9. Academy (n.): An institution or organization for education, research, or training, often specializing in a particular field.
  10. Accelerate (v.): To increase in speed or move faster.
  11. Accent (n.): A distinctive way of pronouncing a language, often associated with a particular region or group.
  12. Acceptance (n.): The act of agreeing to something or the state of being accepted or approved.
  13. Accessible (adj.): Easy to approach, reach, or use; available to all.
  14. Accidentally (adv.): Happening by chance or without intention.
  15. Accommodate (v.): To provide lodging, room, or space for someone; to adapt to or make room for something.
  16. Accommodation (n.): A place to stay or live; adjustments made for a specific purpose.
  17. Accomplish (v.): To successfully complete or achieve a task or goal.
  18. Accomplishment (n.): Something that has been successfully achieved or completed.
  19. Accordingly (adv.): In a way that is appropriate to the circumstances or in a manner that follows logically.
  20. Accountability (n.): The state of being responsible for one’s actions or decisions.
  21. Accountable (adj.): Responsible for one’s actions and liable to be called to account.
  22. Accountant (n.): A person who keeps or examines financial records and accounts.
  23. Accumulate (v.): To gather or collect over time, often in increasing amounts.
  24. Accumulation (n.): The process of collecting or gathering things over time.
  25. Accuracy (n.): The quality of being correct, precise, or free from error.
  26. Accurately (adv.): In a precise and correct manner.
  27. Accusation (n.): A statement that someone has done something wrong or illegal.
  28. Accused (n.): A person who has been charged with a crime or wrongdoing.
  29. Acid (n., adj.): A chemical substance with a sour taste and the ability to corrode other substances; having a pH less than 7.
  30. Acquisition (n.): The act of acquiring or gaining possession of something, such as a skill, knowledge, or company.
  31. Acre (n.): A unit of area measurement, equal to 4,840 square yards or 43,560 square feet.
  32. Activate (v.): To make something active or operational.
  33. Activation (n.): The process of making something active or putting it into operation.
  34. Activist (n.): A person who actively campaigns and works for social, political, or environmental change.
  35. Acute (adj.): Having a sharp or severe degree; keenly perceptive or intelligent.
  36. Adaptation (n.): The process of adjusting to new conditions or changes.
  37. Addiction (n.): The physical or psychological dependence on a substance or activity.
  38. Additionally (adv.): In addition to what has been said or mentioned.
  39. Adequate (adj.): Sufficient or suitable to meet a particular need or purpose.
  40. Adequately (adv.): In a manner that is sufficient or suitable for the task.
  41. Adhere (v.): To stick to or follow closely, such as rules or principles.
  42. Adjacent (adj.): Next to or adjoining something else.
  43. Adjust (v.): To change or alter in order to achieve a desired fit or result.
  44. Adjustment (n.): A small change or modification made to achieve a better fit or result.
  45. Administer (v.): To manage or oversee the implementation of something, such as a program or medication.
  46. Administrative (adj.): Relating to the management or organization of tasks and responsibilities.
  47. Administrator (n.): A person responsible for managing and overseeing tasks or programs.
  48. Admission (n.): The act of allowing entry or access; a statement acknowledging the truth of something.
  49. Adolescent (n.): A young person who is transitioning from childhood to adulthood.
  50. Adoption (n.): The legal process of becoming the parent of a child not born to you.
  51. Adverse (adj.): Harmful or unfavorable; acting against one’s interests.
  52. Advocate (n., v.): A person who publicly supports or promotes a particular cause or policy.
  53. Aesthetic (adj.): Concerned with beauty and the appreciation of beauty.
  54. Affection (n.): A feeling of fondness, warmth, or love toward someone or something.
  55. Affordable (adj.): Priced reasonably and within one’s budget.
  56. Aftermath (n.): The consequences or results of a significant event or situation.
  57. Aged (adj.): Having lived for a specified number of years; old.
  58. Aggression (n.): Hostile or violent behavior or attitudes.
  59. Agricultural (adj.): Relating to the cultivation of land and the production of crops and livestock.
  60. Agriculture (n.): The practice and science of farming, including the cultivation of soil, crops, and livestock.
  61. Aide (n.): A person who assists or helps another person, often in a professional capacity.

Set 2

Certainly, here are explanations for the next set of words:

  1. AIDS (n.): Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, a disease caused by the HIV virus that weakens the immune system.
  2. Alert (v., n., adj.):
  • (v.) To warn or notify someone of a potential danger or problem.
  • (n.) A warning or notification about a potential danger.
  • (adj.) Watchful and ready to respond quickly.
  1. Alien (n., adj.):
  • (n.) A foreigner or a being from another planet or world.
  • (adj.) Relating to beings or things from another planet or world; foreign or unfamiliar.
  1. Align (v.): To arrange in a straight line or to bring into proper coordination or agreement.
  2. Alignment (n.): The act or process of aligning or the state of being aligned.
  3. Alike (adv., adj.):
  • (adv.) In the same or a similar way.
  • (adj.) Having similarities or resemblances.
  1. Allegation (n.): A statement or claim that someone has done something wrong or illegal, typically without proof.
  2. Allege (v.): To assert or claim that something is true without providing evidence.
  3. Allegedly (adv.): According to what has been claimed or asserted but not proven.
  4. Alliance (n.): A formal agreement or partnership between two or more parties for a common purpose.
  5. Allocate (v.): To distribute or assign resources, tasks, or funds for a specific purpose.
  6. Allocation (n.): The act or process of allocating or the state of being allocated.
  7. Allowance (n.): An amount of money regularly given to someone, typically a child, or a deduction or discount.
  8. Ally (n.): A person or group that is associated with or supports another in a common cause or endeavor.
  9. Alongside (prep.): Alongside means next to or beside something or someone.
  10. Altogether (adv.): Completely or in total; taking everything into account.
  11. Aluminum (n.): A lightweight, silver-white metal commonly used in various industries.
  12. Amateur (adj., n.):
  • (adj.) Engaging in an activity for the sake of enjoyment rather than as a profession; lacking professional skill.
  • (n.) A person who engages in an activity for enjoyment or as a hobby, not as a professional.
  1. Ambassador (n.): A diplomat who represents their country in another country and acts as an official representative.
  2. Ambitious (adj.): Having a strong desire to succeed, achieve, or accomplish something significant.
  3. Ambulance (n.): A vehicle equipped for transporting the sick or injured to medical facilities, typically in emergencies.
  4. Amend (v.): To make changes or corrections to something, such as a law, document, or statement.
  5. Amendment (n.): A formal change or addition made to a law, document, or statement.
  6. Amid (prep.): In the middle of or surrounded by something.
  7. Amusing (adj.): Providing entertainment or causing laughter; funny or enjoyable.
  8. Analogy (n.): A comparison between two things that are similar in some way, often used to explain or illustrate a point.
  9. Analyst (n.): A person who examines and interprets data or information, often for the purpose of making informed decisions.
  10. Ancestor (n.): A person from whom one is descended, usually several generations back in a family tree.
  11. Anchor (n.): A heavy object used to hold a ship or boat in place; also, a person or thing that provides stability or support.
  12. Angel (n.): A supernatural being often depicted as a benevolent, winged figure; also used to describe a person who is exceptionally kind or good.
  13. Animation (n.): The process of creating moving images or cartoons, or the quality of being lively and full of energy.
  14. Annually (adv.): Happening once a year or on a yearly basis.
  15. Anonymous (adj.): Without a known name or identity; unidentified.
  16. Anticipate (v.): To expect or predict that something will happen and be prepared for it.
  17. Anxiety (n.): A feeling of unease, worry, or fear, often about something with an uncertain outcome.
  18. Apology (n.): A statement expressing regret or sorrow for an offense, mistake, or harm caused to someone.
  19. Apparatus (n.): A set of equipment or machinery designed for a specific purpose or function.
  20. Apparel (n.): Clothing or attire worn by people.
  21. Appealing (adj.): Attractive or interesting, causing a positive response or desire.
  22. Appetite (n.): A strong desire or craving, often for food.
  23. Applaud (v.): To show approval or praise by clapping one’s hands or expressing admiration.
  24. Applicable (adj.): Relevant or suitable for a particular purpose or situation.
  25. Applicant (n.): A person who applies for a job, program, or position.
  26. Appoint (v.): To designate or select someone for a position, task, or responsibility.
  27. Appreciation (n.): The act of recognizing the value or significance of something; gratitude or thanks.
  28. Appropriately (adv.): In a suitable or fitting manner, following the proper guidelines or norms.
  29. Arbitrary (adj.): Based on random choice or personal whim, rather than reason or system.
  30. Architectural (adj.): Relating to the design and construction of buildings or structures.
  31. Archive (n.): A collection of historical records or documents, often in a repository or storage facility.
  32. Arena (n.): A place or venue for sporting events, concerts, or other forms of entertainment.
  33. Arm (v.): To provide with weapons or prepare for conflict.
  34. Array (n.): An ordered arrangement or display of items, often in a particular pattern or sequence.
  35. Arrow (n.): A thin, pointed projectile typically shot from a bow.
  36. Articulate (v.): To express thoughts or ideas clearly and coherently.
  37. Artwork (n.): A piece of visual art, such as a painting, sculpture, or drawing.
  38. Ash (n.): The residue left after something burns, often in the form of fine particles.
  39. Aspiration (n.): A strong desire or goal to achieve something significant.
  40. Aspire (v.): To have ambitious hopes or goals; to strive for something better.
  41. Assassination (n.): The act of killing someone, often a prominent figure, usually for political or ideological reasons.
  42. Assault (n., v.):
    • (n.) A physical attack or violent act

Certainly, here are explanations for the next set of words:

  1. Assembly (n.):
    • The action of gathering people or things together, especially for a common purpose.
    • A group of people gathered together for a particular purpose, such as a meeting or event.
    • The process of putting together parts to make a whole, such as in manufacturing.
  2. Assert (v.): To state or declare something forcefully, often without providing evidence.
  3. Assertion (n.): A confident and forceful statement or declaration, often without proof.
  4. Asset (n.):
    • Something valuable or useful that an individual, organization, or country possesses.
    • In accounting, a resource owned or controlled by a company with expected future economic benefits.
  5. Assign (v.): To allocate or designate a task, responsibility, or value to someone or something.
  6. Assistance (n.): Help or support provided to someone in need, often in the form of aid or guidance.
  7. Assumption (n.):
    • A belief or idea that is taken for granted without verification or proof.
    • The act of taking on a role or responsibility.
  8. Assurance (n.):
    • A promise or guarantee that something will happen or be done.
    • Confidence and certainty in one’s abilities or beliefs.
  9. Assure (v.): To make someone confident or certain about something; to guarantee or promise.
  10. Astonishing (adj.): Extremely surprising or impressive, often in a way that leaves people amazed.
  11. Asylum (n.):
    • Protection and refuge granted by a country to a person fleeing persecution or danger in their own country.
    • A place of safety or protection.
  12. Athletic (adj.): Related to sports, physical activity, or participation in sports.
  13. Atrocity (n.): An extremely cruel, brutal, or violent act, often involving the mistreatment or killing of innocent people.
  14. Attachment (n.):
    • A feeling of affection, connection, or emotional bond to someone or something.
    • A file or document that is sent along with an email or message.
  15. Attain (v.): To achieve or reach a goal, often through effort and determination.
  16. Attendance (n.): The act of being present at a particular place or event.
  17. Attribute (v., n.):
    • (v.) To regard something as being caused by or belonging to a particular person or thing.
    • (n.) A quality or characteristic inherent in someone or something.
  18. Auction (n.): A public sale in which goods or property are sold to the highest bidder.
  19. Audio (adj.): Relating to sound or the sense of hearing.
  20. Audit (n.): A systematic examination or review of financial accounts, records, or processes to ensure accuracy and compliance.
  21. Authentic (adj.): Genuine, real, or true; not a copy or imitation.
  22. Authorize (v.): To give official permission or approval for something to happen or be done.
  23. Auto (n.): Informal abbreviation for “automobile,” meaning a motor vehicle.
  24. Autonomy (n.): The ability or right of an individual, organization, or region to govern itself independently.
  25. Autumn (n.): The season between summer and winter, characterized by falling leaves and cooler temperatures.
  26. Availability (n.): The state of being accessible, ready, or obtainable.
  27. Await (v.): To wait for or expect something to happen or arrive.
  28. Awareness (n.): Knowledge or understanding of a situation, issue, or fact.
  29. Awkward (adj.):
    • Causing discomfort or embarrassment due to lack of skill or social grace.
    • Not convenient or easy to use or handle.
  30. Backdrop (n.):
    • The background or setting against which something takes place.
    • A painted cloth or screen used as a background in a theater or photography.
  31. Backing (n.): Support or financial assistance provided to a person, group, or project.
  32. Backup (n.):
    • A copy of data or files made to protect against loss or damage.
    • A person or thing that provides support or serves as a reserve.
  33. Badge (n.): A small piece of metal, plastic, or cloth bearing a symbol, design, or inscription, often worn as an emblem of authority or achievement.
  34. Bail (n.):
    • The temporary release of an accused person who deposits a sum of money as security to ensure their appearance in court.
    • A bar used to support or restrain objects.
  35. Balanced (adj.):
    • In a state of equilibrium or harmony, with various elements or forces in proper proportion.
    • Rational and fair in judgment or decision-making.
  36. Ballet (n.): A highly stylized form of dance characterized by intricate movements and positions.
  37. Balloon (n.): A large, inflatable bag typically filled with air or gas, often used for decoration or as a vehicle.
  38. Ballot (n.): A system or process of voting, typically involving the casting of written or printed votes.
  39. Bankruptcy (n.): The state of being legally declared insolvent, unable to pay debts, and having assets liquidated to settle obligations.
  40. Banner (n.):
    • A long strip of cloth bearing a slogan, symbol, or message, often displayed for advertising or ceremonial purposes.
    • A headline or prominent piece of news in a publication.
  41. Bare (adj.):
    • Not covered or concealed; exposed or naked.
    • Minimal or without embellishment; simple.
  42. Barely (adv.): Only just; scarcely; by a very narrow margin.
  43. Bargain (n.):
    • An agreement between parties on the terms of a transaction or exchange.
    • A purchase made at a lower price than the item’s value.
  44. Barrel (n.): A cylindrical container, typically made of wood or metal, used for storing or transporting liquids or goods.
  45. Basement (n.): The lowest floor of a building, often partially or entirely below ground level.
  46. Basket (n.): A container made of woven materials, often with a handle, used for carrying or storing items.
  47. Bass (n.):
    • The lowest adult male singing voice.
    • A type of fish.
  48. Bat (n.):
    • A flying nocturnal mammal with webbed wings.
    • A piece of equipment used in sports like baseball and cricket.
  49. Battlefield (n.): The area or location where a battle or military conflict takes place.
  50. Bay (n.):
    • A body of water partially enclosed by land, often smaller than a gulf.
    • A recessed area in a room or building.
  51. Beam (n.):
    • A long, sturdy piece of wood or metal used to support

Certainly, here are explanations for the next set of words:

  1. Besides (prep., adv.):
    • (prep.) In addition to; apart from.
    • (adv.) Moreover; furthermore; in addition.
  2. Betray (v.):
    • To deceive or be disloyal to someone’s trust or confidence.
    • To reveal or disclose information that is supposed to be kept secret.
  3. Beverage (n.): A drink, especially one other than water; a liquid that is consumed.
  4. Bias (n.):
    • A prejudice or tendency to favor one thing, group, or person over others.
    • A slant or angle in a particular direction, often in a piece of writing or reporting.
  5. Bid (n., v.):
    • (n.) An offer or proposal to do something, often in response to an invitation or request.
    • (v.) To offer or propose a specific amount or action in a competitive situation, such as an auction.
  6. Bind (v.): To fasten or tie something securely; to bring people or things together in a close or binding manner.
  7. Biography (n.): A written account of someone’s life, often detailing their achievements, experiences, and personal history.
  8. Biological (adj.): Relating to the study of living organisms and their interactions, or pertaining to the processes of life.
  9. Bishop (n.): A high-ranking clergy member in certain Christian denominations, often in charge of a diocese.
  10. Bizarre (adj.): Extremely unusual, strange, or peculiar in an unsettling or surprising way.
  11. Blade (n.):
    • The flat, elongated part of a tool or machine, typically with a sharp edge, used for cutting or slicing.
    • A leaf-like structure of a plant or propeller of a turbine.
  12. Blanket (n.): A large piece of cloth or fabric, typically used for covering or keeping warm.
  13. Blast (n., v.):
    • (n.) A sudden and powerful gust of air, sound, or force.
    • (v.) To explode or cause a loud noise or forceful impact.
  14. Bleed (v.): To emit or lose blood, or to release a liquid slowly; also, to print or reproduce color that spreads beyond the intended area.
  15. Blend (v., n.):
    • (v.) To mix or combine different substances or elements together to form a single, uniform mixture.
    • (n.) The result of mixing or combining different substances or elements.
  16. Bless (v.): To confer divine favor, protection, or happiness on someone or something; to invoke a blessing.
  17. Blessing (n.): A prayer or expression of goodwill and favor, often invoking divine protection or happiness.
  18. Blow (n.):
    • A hard or forceful impact, typically delivered with the hand, wind, or an instrument.
    • The movement of air or a gust of wind.
  19. Boast (v.): To speak or write with excessive pride or self-satisfaction about one’s achievements, possessions, or abilities.
  20. Bold (adj.):
    • Showing a strong willingness to take risks or confront challenges; daring.
    • Having a strong or vivid appearance; not timid or faint.
  21. Bombing (n.): The act of using bombs, explosives, or similar devices to attack or destroy a target, often resulting in damage and casualties.
  22. Bonus (n.):
    • An extra or additional reward or payment, often given for good performance or as an incentive.
    • Something extra or unexpected that adds value or advantage.
  23. Booking (n.): The act of reserving or making arrangements for a service, such as travel, accommodations, or tickets.
  24. Boom (n.):
    • A loud, deep sound; a sudden increase in economic activity or growth.
    • A long, sturdy pole used to extend one’s reach, especially in construction or ship handling.
  25. Boost (v., n.):
    • (v.) To increase or improve something, often by adding energy, support, or enhancement.
    • (n.) An increase or improvement in performance, strength, or morale.
  26. Bounce (v.):
    • To rebound or spring back after hitting a surface, often with force.
    • To move or jump energetically and with liveliness.
  27. Bound (adj.):
    • Tied or fastened; restrained or limited by boundaries or rules.
    • Moving or leaping with a strong sense of purpose or direction.
  28. Boundary (n.): A line or limit that marks the edge or extent of something, often serving to separate two areas or territories.
  29. Bow (v., n.):
    • (v.) To bend forward at the waist as a gesture of respect, greeting, or acknowledgment.
    • (n.) A curved weapon used for shooting arrows; also, a decorative knot or loop.
  30. Breach (n., v.):
    • (n.) A violation or breaking of a law, rule, agreement, or standard.
    • (v.) To break or violate a law, rule, agreement, or standard.
  31. Breakdown (n.):
    • The process of failing or falling apart, often due to mechanical failure, emotional distress, or disintegration.
    • A detailed analysis or explanation of something complex.
  32. Breakthrough (n.): A significant and revolutionary development or discovery, often in science, technology, or research.
  33. Breed (v., n.):
    • (v.) To produce or raise animals or plants with specific characteristics through controlled mating.
    • (n.) A group of animals or plants with similar characteristics, often created through selective breeding.
  34. Brick (n.): A rectangular block made of fired clay or concrete, often used in construction.
  35. Briefly (adv.): For a short period of time; in a concise or summarized manner.
  36. Broadband (n.): A high-speed internet connection that allows for the transmission of large amounts of data simultaneously.
  37. Broadcaster (n.):
    • A person or organization that transmits radio or television programs.