Parts of speech

Parts of Speech- II


Definition: An adverb is a word that is used to modify or limit the meaning of a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.

–Can be added to a verb to modify its meaning; can also modify adjectives and other adverbs
–Tells you when, where, how, in what manner or to what extent an action is performed
–Many end in “ly” , but not always!



1. Go slowly. Look carefully. Walk there. (The underlined words modify the verbs.)
2. The answer is not too accurate. (The underlined word modifies the adjective.)
3. Watch very closely. (The underlined word modifies the adverb.)


Definition: A preposition is a word that shows the relation between two or more things. Some prepositions are to, at, by, on, in, into …. Prepositions are positional words. Think about these phrases:

     The knife is on the table.
      under the table.
      beside the table.

      The knife went into the table.

A preposition also has an object, a noun or a pronoun.

–a word placed BEFORE a noun or pronoun to show its location or direction.
–May also show a noun or pronoun’s relationship to some other word in the sentence.

–to             -at
–with         -for
–against    -across
–by            -in




A conjunction is a word that joins words, groups of words, or complete sentences of equal value.
A. Coordinating conjunctions join words or groups of words of equal value.


1. Lucy and Ed left the door open.
2. He is going to school, but I am going to work.
3. He is going to school; however, I am going to work.

B. Subordinating conjunctions are words that make one group of words (dependent clause) dependent upon another group of words (independent clause). The group of words beginning with a subordinating conjunction would be a sentence fragment by itself.

1. When I came in, he left. Fragment: When I came in.
2. He left because he was late. Fragment: Because he was late.


Definition: An interjection is a word that expresses strong emotion. Interjections can be followed by a comma or an exclamation point.

–a word that expresses strong or sudden emotion
–Used as an exclamation (!) by itself or with a comma following it if used at the beginning of a sentence
–capable of standing by itself


Wow! I never knew that.
Oh, did I do that?

–Oh dear!
–My goodness!